Just a chilled run
Weather Condition: Cloudy
Location: Wandsworth Park, London
Running Structure: Slow Run with Rebecca Kennedy on Peloton App
Mood: Feeling Weak
Heart Monitor: Apple Watch Series 6 + OrangeTheory Chest Strap
Running Apparel and Trainers: Nike Pro Tight Base Layer with Nike Dawn Thin Jacket, Nike Vaporfly Next %
As a beginner runner, it is essential to find a MOTIVATION to press the start button. Personally, I am all about music. I have noticed that EDM is great for me to run with, when I try to push for a personal result.
Today, I am feeling very weak due to workload recently. Listen to your body before you go for a run. It is OKAY to change the run but it is essential to stick to the routine.
I do enjoy Peloton Guided Run or Nike Guided Run. They curate most suitable music for your run. I feel 90’s music fits how I feel today. The effort today with Rebecca’ run was medium. There isn’t much push but more a motivational run.
What Rebecca keeps saying is listen to the beats and run with the beats. I can testify that. By looking at the time per kilometre in the chart, you could guess the BPM with each song.
Your body would move differently with beats in the music.
Nike Running App also has HEADSPACE run. This really helps me to work on my head space during the day. It helps to clear my head on a stressful day.
What music do you normally listen during your run?
If you would like to see my result of my run, I will post it in our forum.
Peloton Outdoor Running App Report 1
Peloton Outdoor Running App Report 2