Upper body Workout for Runners
Weather Condition: Snow, 1C, Humidity 82%, Wind 24.9KM/H.
Location: Wandsworth Park, London
Running Structure: 45 Mins Run with Rebecca Kennedy on Peloton App
Mood: Excited by snow condition
Heart Monitor: Apple Watch Series 6 + OrangeTheory Chest Strap
Running Apparel and Trainers: Nike Pro Tight Base Layer with Nike AeroLoft, Nike Vaporfly Next %
I think so much when I run….
It was a hard run in blizzard weather conditions. One way to distract me from all the harsh sleet hitting my face was to think and listen.
Rebecca is a great running coach on Peloton. She mentioned that if you improve your upper body strength, you are increasing 30% energy efficiency during your run.
I am not sure if you all do strength training, when you aren’t running but I do. I do full body strength with HIIT workout plus isolation muscle workouts.
I’m a beginner runner but I am certainly not a beginner, when it comes to fitness. My life pretty much evolves around that.
So what upper body exercises would help you to run and why should you work on your upper body?
With upper body workouts, it will provide you with better body posture so you don’t injure your lower backs or upper shoulder. It also improves your arm swing, it gives you extra push when you run. With upper body workout, it also gives you more muscle glycogen.
Some simple exercises that you can do at home:
Press ups (4 sets, 10 reps each set). You can do this anywhere.
Tricep dips (3 sets, 12 reps each set). You can use a bench in the park or a chair at home.
Plank (do as long as you can). Make sure you strengthen your glutes so you won’t hurt your back in a long term. This will also work on your core muscle.
Above three exercises can easily be done at home or even during your interval or HIIT runs.
I really hope these tips will help you with your run.
If you would like to see my result of my run, I will post it in our forum.
#RUNNINIT | My Strava
📸: Scott Webb