Will You Keep Running After Lockdown?
One question keeps popping up to mind. Will I keep running after the lockdown? The questions to you all out there too. Will you keep running after the lockdown?
I am regular attendance to HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) classes at my local Orange Theory Fitness. As lockdown happened, all gyms were forced to shut. OTF does have home work out schedule on zoom but it just never really fits my routines. So I picked up running for my cardio training back in 2020. (Also that was one of the reasons that I am able to get out of the house). During my runs, I have noticed the sheers number of new runners too. It was a great atmosphere in the park or by the river banks. I live in London so 2020 summer was amazing for all of us.
UK did ease lockdown for a while during autumn 2020, I kept my run at weekends only, as I was able to run treadmill in OTF. I have also noticed number of runners had dropped significantly.
Now we are in 2021 and this lockdown has been long for us in the UK. I have run more than ever during this lockdown. The question had popped in my mind:
Will I see less people running after this lockdown like before? Or will we all start developing this habit of running?
My answer to that is YES. I will keep running three times a week. You might ask WHY? All gyms will be open up and you don’t have to run in the rain or hot weather anymore. Here is the reason why I would keep outdoor running.
Outdoor space makes me closer to nature
We are human beings and we aren’t meant to be in a contained indoor environment for a long period of time. There are proven science on benefits being outdoors. I feel calmer and more creative during my run. I forget what is happening in a day to day life. It is a time for myself and reflect on what is going on. It also helps me to see greens. I love running by the river and feel the breeze. I also run in the park. The colour of green makes me feel happier. Being outdoor has positive contributions to my mental health.
Seeing other regular runners
I am not sure about you but I always the same group of people running in my area. We feel like that we are still in the same running group, even though we aren’t and we have our own goals. It is nice to give nod or smile to each other, when we pass each other. Humans are sociable species. We like to see other humans. A run in the park or road, you are more likely to have an interactions than being on an indoor treadmills. So make sure to give a smile to other runners next time you run outside. It is a nice feeling, especially in a metropolitan city like London.
Good for my eyes
We are pretty much in a digital world. Majority of us spend average 7-8 hours in front a screen. Why wouldn’t you take this opportunity to look away from the screen. When you run, you should always look ahead. That means your eye muscles get exercises as much as your legs and core muscles.
Testing new running shoes
On treadmills, your trainers don’t get to used to its full potential. Running trainers are mainly tested in an outdoor environment or a simulation that gives a road, gravel, wet and dry conditions. Why wouldn’t you put it to a test? Nike has developed so many new running shoes throughout the years. If you just look at our page’s stockist. There are tons of them to choose from. It sounds cliché but I do enjoy busting into a new pair of running shoes.
Seeking the after run high
The high is real. After a outdoor run, you body is pumped with endorphins. That is why you always feel happy and very positive after a run. And this high is absolutely free! I chose to run in the morning so I can enjoy this positivity throughout my day!
Above 5 points are just my personal feeling towards outdoor run after this lockdown. We will be summer soon, so why wouldn’t I actually get some free Vitamin D as well! London summer is beautiful. I will also try different locations for a run. Mix it up a bit to discover some new pars of London. You would recommend you doing the same.
So will I still continue going to my Orange Theory Fitness classes? YES! A good runner still needs to build its own body strength. The class itself is fun and you get to meet mind like people. I also did find my running buddies in my class.
Overall, I will keep my running routines after lockdown. These are just my own thoughts. Of course, everyone has their own mind set and goals but you can certainly continue your amazing habit from lockdown to a no restriction world and run freely!
Have any questions? Please comment below.
If you would like to see my result of my run, I will post it in our forum.
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