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Tokyo Marathon - what makes it so special?

Tokyo, Japan, the first Abbott World Marathon Major that starts the year, of the six major marathons, the most unique, colourful and distinctly iconic. A location that is steeped rich in running culture, its entry into the marathon scene is relatively new, but it merits its place.

Entries into the race a very much varied, lottery spots are hard to come by (I was very lucky in 2016 and won one), run a verified qualifying time or the most popular route is a tour operator, which guarantees a package into the race.

The course is flat & fast, a perfect opportunity to run a fast race verging on many iconic sights and structures in Tokyo. The support is unwavering, a day that Tokyo comes out to support running, marathon running and their city. Logistically it is one of the best organised races and as a marathon major, an elusive star that many leave last on their bucket list due to the difficulty of getting into the race.

What makes this race so special? Whether you are hunting down the marathon majors or looking to run a race in a city with historical culture, Tokyo has everything. My experience was unforgettable, a day that will live long in my memory and a day where the sun was shining, and where breakthroughs are made. The medal is gold, the ribbon encapsulates the busyness of the metro. If you haven’t thought about doing Tokyo Marathon, re draft your plans.

Coach Amrit can help you with your running goals from daily exercises to marathon training. You can contact him here.

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